Also, the reanimation station will say "You will not die unless you are told" after reviving you, which is a reference to an R. One of the rifle challenges is called "This is My Rifle," which is part of a familiar line from the movie.

There are multiple references to the movie Full Metal Jacket spread around the game. Submitted by: killkillkillomg Full Metal Jacket References Those take 5 hits to break, and if you pass through them you will find some Creepers. If you turn right from there, you should see some stone and coal. Attack it a few times and you should be able to push through, provided it is 2 blocks high. Jump over it and land on some earth, then proceed right from there to find dirt that looks like something you might find in Minecraft. You should spot a stone shaped like a cube. In the Minecart Madness side quest, turn right from where you find the mine cart. Play until you reach the Caustic Caverns area.